About Us
Who We Are
‘H. Malone Plumbing and Heating’ was established in 1926 by Henry Malone who left his job at the Tyne shipyards to set up his own business from his home in Gosforth, Newcastle Upon Tyne…
What We Do
We have the expertise and resources to successfully deliver a diverse range of mechanical and electrical projects across multiple sectors in the construction industry…
Health & Safety
We are dedicated to protecting our employees, subcontractors and anyone who may be affected by our activities by doing everything we can to protect them against risks to health & safety…
We have gained ISO 14001 Environmental Management accreditation to help us promote and maintain our environmental policy and ensure that our impact on the environment is kept to a minimum…
Our Quality
It is the policy of H. Malone & Sons to apply strict quality disciplines to our management and workforce. Our Quality Control Policy is implemented during all activities…
Social Value
H Malone & Sons is a family business founded in 1926 with a strong focus on family and community values. Over almost 100 years we have built a reputation based on loyalty, trust, honesty and integrity and we strive to invest in our people and our local community…